Hijri Date Converter

You can use this Hijri date converter to convert the dates between the Hijri calendar and the Gregorian calendar.

Hijri to Gregorian
Gregorian to Hijri
Gregorian Date23rd April 2024
Gregorian DayWednesday
Gregorian MonthApril
Gregorian Year2024
Islamic Date16 Shawwāl 1445
Islamic DayAl Khamees
Islamic MonthShawwāl
Hijri Year1445 AH

Islamic Date Information

Today is Al Arba'a in Islamic Day. The Islamic Date is 15 Shawwāl 1445. We are in Month of Shawwāl. The Current Islamic Year is 1445 AH

Islamic Date25th
Islamic DayFriday
Islamic MonthRajab
Islamic Year1445 AH

Gregorian Date Information

Today is Wednesday in Islamic Day. The Gregorian Date is 24 April 2024. We are in Month of April. The Current Gregorian Year is 2024 AD

Gregorian Date23rd April 2024
Gregorian DayWednesday
Gregorian MonthApril
Gregorian Year2024

To use the Hijri date converter, you can follow these steps:

  1. First, you select the conversion type either Hijri date or Gregorian date.
  2. Then you choose one of the options to convert from Gregorian to Hijri and vice versa.
  3. The next step you follow is to enter the date that you want to convert.
  4. Then click the Convert button to get your desired date.
  5. The Hijri date converter will calculate the date and display your desired results.
  6. If you want to convert more dates, repeat the process mentioned above.