Islamic date today is Wednesday, 24 April 2024 | 15 Shawwāl, 1445 AH . The Hijri date today or Arabic date today, which follows the moon’s cycles, holds deep cultural and religious significance. Whether you’re planning religious observances or simply keeping in tune with the cultural milestones of the region, understanding the Islamic calendar is essential.

Here, you’ll find accurate and current information on the Islamic or Arabic date today in Saudi Arabia, helping you stay in touch with the cultural and religious practices that are a fundamental part of life in the region.

15 Shawwāl, 1445 AH
Wednesday, 24 April 2024

Date Converter:

This converter allows you to convert dates between Gregorian and Hijri dates. Simply enter a date to see its equivalent in the other calendar, whether you’re converting from Gregorian to Hijri or Hijri to Gregorian. Check Arabic date today or Hijri date today by inputting the corresponding English date.

Hijri to Gregorian
Gregorian to Hijri
Gregorian Date23rd April 2024
Gregorian DayWednesday
Gregorian MonthApril
Gregorian Year2024
Islamic Date16 Shawwāl 1445
Islamic DayAl Khamees
Islamic MonthShawwāl
Hijri Year1445 AH

Islamic Date Information

Today is Al Arba'a in Islamic Day. The Islamic Date is 15 Shawwāl 1445. We are in Month of Shawwāl. The Current Islamic Year is 1445 AH

Islamic Date25th
Islamic DayFriday
Islamic MonthRajab
Islamic Year1445 AH

Gregorian Date Information

Today is Wednesday in Islamic Day. The Gregorian Date is 24 April 2024. We are in Month of April. The Current Gregorian Year is 2024 AD

Gregorian Date23rd April 2024
Gregorian DayWednesday
Gregorian MonthApril
Gregorian Year2024

Overview of the Islamic Calendar:

The Islamic calendar also known as the Hijri calendar or Arabic Calendar is based on the phases of the moon. It has 12 Lunar months having 354 or 355 days. Muslims use the Islamic calendar worldwide to determine the specific dates of Islamic events like fasting of Ramadan or pilgrimage to Mecca.
The Islamic calendar was established in the year of Hijrah when Prophet Muhammad(صَلَّىٰ اللهُ عَلَيْهِ وَآلِهِ وَسَلَّمَ) migrated from Mecca to Medina in 622 AD. This event was the beginning of the Islamic calendar and also the first movement in Islamic history.

Today Arabic Date and Its Importance:

The Hijri date today or Arabic date today can vary from country to country due to differences in moon sightings, which mark the beginning of each month in the lunar calendar. For example, in Saudi Arabia, today Islamic date is Wednesday, 24 April 2024 | 15 Shawwāl, 1445 AH . This is important because it determines when we celebrate religious festivals and perform specific duties.


The Islamic Calendar 2024 or Hijri Calendar 2024 has great importance to the Muslim world. It operates on the lunar cycle and maintains Muslim traditions and modern contexts.

Our website Islamic Moment is your daily companion in keeping up with the Islamic date today and the Islamic calendar 2024 worldwide.

We provide accurate and timely information to help you stay connected to your faith. Remember to check in today to see the today Islamic date and make sure you are on track with your religious duties. Our goal is to support your spiritual journey with simplicity and precision every day.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

1. How do I find the today Islamic date?

  • You can utilize online Hijri calendars or reliable Islamic resources such as our website, Islamic Moment, to check the current Islamic date today in your area. These tools are especially useful for accurately determining the date based on local moon sightings.

2. Why does the Islamic date vary across countries?

  • The today Islamic date can vary because each month starts with the sighting of the moon, which can occur at different times depending on geographical location.

3. How does the Islamic calendar differ from the Gregorian calendar?

  • The main differences between the Islamic calendar and the Gregorian calendar are the starting points and how time is measured. The beginning of the Islamic calendar is the Hijra related to the migration of the Prophet Muhammad (صَلَّىٰ اللهُ عَلَيْهِ وَآلِهِ وَسَلَّمَ) from Mecca to Medina. The Gregorian calendar is started with the supposed year of Jesus Christ’s birth.
  • Islamic calendar follows the moon’s cycles while the Gregorian calendar follows the sun’s position. The Conversion of two calendars requires complex calculations.

4. Why is the Islamic date important?

  • The Islamic date today or today Hijri date is crucial for observing various religious practices and duties, including fasting, prayers, and festivals, which are prescribed in the Quran and Hadith.

5. Can the Islamic date change during the day?

  • Yes, the Islamic date can change at sunset rather than at midnight. If the new moon is sighted at sunset, the next day marks the beginning of a new Islamic month.

6. How do I check today Islamic date in my area?

  • You can check the Islamic date today for your specific location through reliable Islamic websites, local mosques, or mobile apps designed to provide daily Islamic dates and prayer times.

7. Is there a universal standard for calculating the Islamic date?

  • No, there is no universal standard, as the sighting of the moon can vary by location. However, many countries and communities follow the calculations made by local religious authorities or established Islamic societies.